I wanted to try hummus at home from long time but I didn't get time but today for Tried and Tasted I tried it and it came out yummy. Thanks Wandering Chopsticks for sharing this easy and delicious recipe. Thanks Zlamushka of Zlamushka's Spicy Kitchen for starting this wonderful event.
Chickpeas: 1 15 oz Can or 1 Cup soaked overnight and cooked
Cumin Seeds: 1/2 tsp
Sesame Seeds: 1 tbsp
Garlic Cloves: 2
Lemon Juice: 1 tbsp
Mint Leaves: 2-3 (Optional)
Salt to Taste
Olive Oil : 1 tbsp
Red Pepper Powder For Garnishing
In a food processor mix all ingredients and process till fine paste. Make a fine paste of all ingredients in the food processor.
Serve this hummus in a dipping bowl or spread on crackers, pita bread. You can use this spread in different sandwiches or you can make just hummus sandwich. This hummus is perfect for kids for a snack time with crackers, raw vegetables.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trupti Fahsion Deals For Less ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello friends, this month I am hosting this month's 'Tried and Tasted' event. This event is a brain child of Zlamushka of Zlamushka's Spicy Kitchen. The aim of this event is to explore other foodies tastes, appreciate them and confirm that their recipes are worth it.
This month's blog is Wandering Chopstick. The author of this blog is mysterious. She didn't want to reveal her identity :). She is from Southern California and blogging since June 2006. She loves to cook. She loves to try dishes from different cuisines. You can see her all recipes by cuisines here. So let's start cooking her lovely recipes.
The rules are simple:
Cook any recipe(s) from the blog of the month and post about it. Stay as true to the original recipe(s) as possible. Therefore, there is no need for re-posting it, simply link to the original post :-)
There is no time-frame for the original recipe. It can be as old as my grand-mother or as fresh as a mung bean sprout.
Link your post to HERE and to the original post. Please always link to both sites, so both blogs are given credit and you are avoiding copyright fuss. Feel free to use this wonderful logo made by Ksenia of Tales of A Spoon. .
Send me an e-mail to RecipeCenter@gmail.com with your name, your post URL as well as the original URL and a picture (any size).
Non-bloggers are more than welcome to participate. Simply e-mail me with your experience of what you cooked and please include a picture.
Deadline is the Oct 31st and the round up will be posted within a week.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Trupti Fahsion Deals For Less -----------------------------------------------------------------